Sunday, July 17, 2022

Mungu ni Mwema

 Mwauka Bwanji to our friends in America,

I hope everyone is doing well. It may be morning there but over here in Zambia we just saw the sunset and will be going to bed in a couple hours.

Today started off with seeing our friends in the Shimabala Village. Pastor Ibrahim led us in some songs and then Henry led the opening prayer. Todd gave the sermon and it was on 2 very important words, Grace and Faith. We read through different stories that showed us we are not saved by our money or all of the good things that we do but by God's grace through faith. Our friend Raphael was there to help translate for us and led their choir in some of their songs that we really enjoyed listening to. At the end, people went up to the front and all started dancing around and eventually we went up to join them. 

After church, we said our goodbyes and headed over to another church where one team taught their lessons to the children while the other team, my team, got to watch how they have been teaching and learn some things that we can add when we teach other children. I believe there was around 80 to 90 kids there. We talked to some of them a bit and got some pictures and then headed back to the hostel.

Took our nightly walk to the mall and ate at Galitos grilled chicken. Besides Henry, he ate Hungry Lion, a Zambian fried chicken place. Then we walked back to the hostel where Pastor Ibrahim was waiting for us. We went around back to play with our little cat friends and then finished the night with our hymns around the firepit.

We are all looking forward to going out to teach again tomorrow and for our trip to Livingstone on Tuesday.

Mungu ni mwema (God is so good) ni mwema kwangu (He's so good to me). 

In Christ,

Kaylee Koenig

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